Why You Should be Live Streaming

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Why You Should be Live Streaming In our previous blog, we spoke about the power of networking and how important it is for your business. We talked about meeting and interacting with people face to face. This time around, we’re … Continued

Small Business Friday Promo

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Small Business Friday Promo On the first Friday of Spring of every year, we observe and celebrate small businesses through the “Small Business Friday” movement. The main aim of the movement is to encourage South Africans to support local businesses … Continued

Influencer Marketing, the big deal!

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Influencer Marketing, the big deal! Image: Fitness Model and Micro Influencer Melissa Lewis   What’s the big deal with influencers anyway? In our blog earlier last month, we spoke about a game changing rule for influencers, which binds them into declaring … Continued

New changes for Whatsapp

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New changes for Whatsapp Whether you like to keep up with the messaging culture or not, it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. In fact, it is only becoming more advanced. The new changes that are coming to WhatsApp are prime … Continued