One-on-one with Nicole Kulz owner of Your Hearts Design

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One-on-one with Nicole Kulz owner of Your Hearts Design 

August month is Women’s month and in celebration of women entrepreneurs we had a one-on-one with our client and business owner Nicole Kulz from Your Hearts Design. From working in a 9 – 5 job, to her mom being diagnosed with cancer Nicole has pushed through with passion, persistence and hard work to make her home – based bakery a success. We asked Nicole to share her journey as a female entrepreneur and what inspired her to start her own home-based bakery.

  1. When did you start your business?

I have always done cake decorating/baking as a side project, but in 2016 it became my full time job.

  1. What was your reason for starting your own business?

I was extremely unhappy at my job and decided to quit and move to Malta with my best friend. Two weeks later my mother was diagnosed with cancer and I decided it was better for me to stay with my family in Cape Town. My cake business allowed me a small income but a lot of free time to help.

  1. What’s the most challenging part to owning a business?

Definitely the hours. People often think that because I am my own boss that I can give myself as much time off as I want to – but it actually means working all of the long and late hours to make sure every order is finished on time.

  1. Your hearts Design is an interesting name, how did you come up with it?

It was actually chosen by my mother. She always had a dream of us owning a bakery together and said that that is what she would call it.

  1. What do you love the most about being a baker?

The decorating. It allows me to be creative in the ways that I love most.

  1. Running a business can be challenging, what motivates you to not give up and to keep on moving forward?

My dream of owning my own bakery store.

  1. Provide a brief description of your business (Your Hearts Design).

We are a home – based bakery that provide customized orders for any occasion.

  1. Your cakes are very creative, how/where did you learn to become so creative?

It’s just something that’s always been inside of me. Usually as we grow up we tend to lose our imagination – mine is still over active.

  1. Are you part of any CSI or involved in any community projects?

Not in particular. I often donate to charities and particularly animal shelters. I donate cakes and vouchers as prizes for their fundraisers. I also donate yearly to the Cupcakes For Kids With Cancer – coming up in September again.

10. Are there any highlights within your career as a female entrepreneur?

I love hearing that my family and close friends are proud of me. It makes it feel worth it.

11. Any encourages messages for future bakers, womenpreneurs wanting to start their own home – based bakery or any other business?

Get a big oven!

12. How has Spottmedia added value to your business?

Spottmedia has encouraged me to market myself better and actually reach out to new customers instead of waiting for them to find me.



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