Winter Warmer Initiative at the Children’s Home

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Winter Warmer Initiative at the Children’s Home

For many, Winter is a challenging time due to the cold and wet conditions. This is why we decided to have a Winter Warmer Initiative at the Children’s Home in the Northern suburbs of Durbanville, Cape Town. On 22nd June the Spottmedia team handed out hot chocolate and marshmallows to over 90 youth and kids at the Durbanville Children’s Home.

The Durbanville Children’s Home cares for 144 children between the ages of 2 -18 years who were exposed to some form of domestic violence, substance, sexual abuse and neglect. The intake of children falls within a 100 km radius of Durbanville, which includes farms, informal settlements, squatter camps and towns.

The kids were very excited and thoroughly enjoyed the day. We are all about making an impact and we were thankful that we could warm up the hearts and make a difference for the kids and youth.

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