Spottmedia makes a difference
Mandela Day is an opportunity for many individuals, businesses and organizations to give back to the community. Non-profit organizations often rely on donations to keep their organization sustained and running in the long term. For Mandela Day 2018 Spottmedia partnered with the Children’s Home in Durbanville and donated clothing and non – perishable items.
The Durbanville Children’s Home cares for 144 children between the ages of 2 -18 years who were exposed to some form of domestic violence, substance, sexual abuse and neglect. The intake of children falls within a 100 km radius of Durbanville, which includes farms, informal settlements, squatter camps and towns. According to Johanna Strauss Marketing and Development Manager “clothing and non – perishables are basic items that are always needed and we could not be more thankful to all the donations received thus far”.
We decided to donate to The Children’s Home because we believe that by investing in these vulnerable youth and children we are not only fulfilling their basic needs but building their self -esteem and adding value to their lives. This was a humbling experience and always makes one appreciate what you have. If we as owners and businesses can adopt this vision not only do we add value to individuals, but we add value to and grow our communities”.